You find the importance of e-marketing just writing the phrase digital marketing or as some call it e-marketing on the Google search engine. You will also find a clear increase in terms related to the aforementioned phrase.
The term has spread over the past two years and is clearly wildfire, and it has become everyone’s talk as experts praised it as a way to trade business via the...
The answer may surprise you in marketing budget!
Because there are two methods by which you can determine budget that you should spend on marketing.
The first method is the super easy and slow way and is to do something like take 10% of the revenue you made last year and set your marketing budget, so how much should you spend on marketing?
Now CAC stands for Cost of Customer...
Working with digital marketing agencies will help you build your business and reach more clients, and with MERKAI you’ll find benefits of digital marketing.
Running a business successfully means having an ever-growing client base, and this has always included promoting your services to potential clients, but in the internet age, promotion will look a little different, it’s all...